Sunday 19 August 2007

My problem is obsession.

Who is he?
He's a painter, a sculptor or an animator.
He's in his final year.
A woollen hunters hat he wears with peacock feathers, up and down the college corridors.
Bongos are his instrument, he's in a jamming band.
Last night I hearkened to his rhythmic fingers striking mayhem.
The bongo skin flinched.
I saw his eyes, I read his mind.
I saw him linger, undress the limber.
He gave the show away.
See me see you see him!
I've heard this one before.
Clap and stamp,
Echo, echo, of frustration.
Musical might,
fight or flight.
Staggered at the back by the condensation.

1 comment:

Staggo"s List said...

This combo just oozes down my screen. I have to open my windows for some cool air.

I hope your still writing poetry.